Kubernetes installation on Linux using vagrant and ansible(One-click installation)- with dashboard — Windows 10 Machine

M Sunil Kumar
3 min readMay 16, 2021

Hi Techies, today we will discuss the automatic installation of the Kubernetes cluster using a windows 10 machine to get a basic understanding and practice locally.

Prerequisites: Vagrant, Oracle virtual box, Git(should be installed on your windows machine before you start)

Check vagrant installation :
Check git installation:
Check OracleVirtualBox Installation: Start →OracleVirtualBox

vagrant version check
git verstion check
OracleVirtualbox installation check

Let's jump into the Kubernetes setup using vagrant.

Clone my GitHub repository using the link.

Clone git repository

Now it’s time to install the Kubernetes cluster setup. In this tutorial, we will set up one master and two worker nodes. Let's hit the single command and wait for few minutes, your practice Kubernetes environment will be ready.

Once the installation is finished check the oracle virtual box:

Oracle Virtual Box status with all three nodes

log in to the master node by running the command
vagrant ssh master

Master node working status

Now it’s time to check and access our Kubernetes dashboard. In this tutorial, we configured the dashboard on the master node. You need to access the below link to get the dashboard:
It will redirect you to the login page. Then you need to get the Kubernetes dashboard service account token code. To get the token code follow the below process.

Kubernetes Dashboard GUI

Now follow the below commands and get the token and sign in.

[vagrant@k8smaster ~]$ kubectl describe sa dashboard-admin -n kubernetes-dashboard
[vagrant@k8smaster ~]$ kubectl describe secret dashboard-admin-token-bkvq9 -n kubernetes-dashboard

Once you give the token you will get the kubernetes dashboard GUI with all details. Now you can access pods, deployments, services, volumes, etc…

Kubernetes Dashboard GUI

Congratulations! you have successfully set up the Kubernetes cluster environment locally using vagrant.

If you made some mistake and not able to go forward, no problem simply exit from the master node and run the below command.

vagrant destroy -f

Everything will vanish.

Start from the initial step

vagrant up

if you like this article please like, share, and clap. Also if you have any difficulties in the process please reach out to me on comments I will happily assist you.

Thanks for reading this article and learn, practice basic Kubernetes concepts.

Happy learning…. see you in another article.



M Sunil Kumar

DevOps enthusiastic, OpenSource Software Developer.