Chocolaty made easy OpenShift Installation on windows
Install OpenShift locally for development/practice purpose as minishift using Chocolaty repository manager.

What is OpenShift: OpenShift is an orchestration tool to manage your Docker container runtimes(docker containers) as PODs.
When we think about container orchestration there are few orchestration tools we get into our mind. One of the popular tools is Redhat’s OpenShift. But the problem is to use it in a local environment like development or testing or give it a try to learn basics is, It requires huge hardware setup. This hardware setup is deferred from platform to platform (AWS, Azure, GCP, Baremetel, RHV). On average we need to have 4cpus, 16GB RAM, and 120 GB storage. I felt its hard to have this setup just to practice and learn about OpenShift.
But there is a way to make it simple and went well for me to install OpenShift in my local computer which has a general configuration with Oracle VM Virtual box and Chocolaty. If you have not installed chocolaty check this link.
Let's jump into Practice:
First, make sure your Orache VM Virtual box and Chocolaty manager are installed on your machine(I’m on Windows).
Open Windows PowerShell in administrator mode and execute command:
choco install minishift
if you wish to specific version of minishift you can try
choco install minishift --version=1.5.0

With this step, we have downloaded and installed minishift binary package in our machine. Now its time to start our minishift cluster to play around.
But there will be a problem with Hyper-V and VM Virtual box. If you have configured Hyper-V on your machine then you can run
minishift start ( works for only Hyper-V setup)
But if you have Oracle VM Virtual box installed on your machine you should pass that extension to pick up the Virtual box to run the minishift “virtual machine”
minishift start --vm-driver virtualbox
It will take 10 –20 minutes(depends on net speed) to download “minishift-centos7.iso” and “oc” binary file. Once downloaded as a continuous process it will automatically set up the environment and give URL and login details to check on the browser.

That’s it, you are done with the setup of minishift cluster on your machine.

Now let’s check the web URL:

Thanks for reading this document, I hope thill will help you to set up a basic OpenShift cluster on your local machine.
I appreciate your comments and suggestions. If you like this post please give a clap. If you face any challenges write to me in the response section. Thank you. Enjoy and have fun.
Find my Installation output here